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Arts & CultureBooks
Michael Vaccari
In his new book, Melvin Urofsky, an emeritus professor of history at Virginia Commonwealth University and the author of numerous books, details the critical issues around affirmative action in the United States.
Arts & CultureBooks
Roger Bergman
Erik Edstrom, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, tries to explain what our recent wars have meant to the people of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Arts & CultureBooks
Mike Nelson
The behind-the-scenes story of Bud Selig's tenure as commissioner of Major League Baseball.
Arts & CultureBooks
Jenny Shank
This story of a Vietnamese immigrant growing up in the United States is constructed as a series of meditations on the lessons from great books that moved and instructed him.
Arts & CultureBooks
James M. Chesbro
72 percent of students and 87 percent of teachers in Catholic schools are white. They need to be reading and teaching more Black literature.
Mark Rylance, far left, played Thomas Cromwell in the BBC production of “Wolf Hall” (2015). Paul Scofield, near left, won an Oscar for his portrayal of St. Thomas More in “A Man for All Seasons” (1966). (photo credit - Masterpiece/Alamy)
Arts & CultureBooks
John Anderson
Mantel’s portrait of More is of a self-serving whiner with a death wish. But what must always be remembered is that she is creating fiction.