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Arts & CultureBooks
Ryan Di Corpo
Jim Forest's memoir functions as both a personal history and a snapshot of a tumultuous era in American society—the 1960s—when Forest solidified his opposition to unjust war and his faith in active nonviolence.
Arts & CultureBooks
Joshua Hren
Noted for his acid tongue, Evelyn Waugh hated the United States and its citizens and let them know it. However, he felt more and more drawn to them on repeated visits.
Arts & CultureBooks
Benjamin Carter Hett’s 'The Death of Democracy: Hitler’s Rise to Power and the Downfall of the Weimar Republic' shows how a flawed but genuine democracy could give way to the vilest regime imaginable.
Arts & CultureBooks
Christiana Zenner
The core of Roger Haight's new project is to ask “what science can teach Christian theologians about our own self-understanding” and to offer an answer to Christians who “either do not know how to process their Christian faith in this context or call it into question altogether.”
Arts & CultureBooks
Ben Wilkie
In his new novel, Christos Tsiolkas depicts acts of profound cruelty and sadism, but also shows the love shared among the early followers of Jesus,
Arts & CultureBooks
Kevin Spinale
Colum McCann's new novel is structured like the wings of a bird, with two narrative arcs constantly moving toward and then away from each other.