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James T. Keane
St. John Paul II knew about the Theodore McCarrick sex abuse allegations—and promoted him anyway. Why?
FaithFaith in Focus
James T. Keane
Got election anxiety? There’s a patron saint for that.
Nicholas D. Sawicki
Father Michael McGivney, was beatified on Saturday, Oct. 31, at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford, Conn. What is his legacy?
Molly Cahill
Halloween's roots lie deep in pre-Christian rituals—but also in the long heritage of All Saints Day.
Politics & SocietyNews
Andy Telli - Catholic News Service
A baby that was cured in utero through the intercession of Father Michael J. McGivney has turned 5 years old, and his parents are changed forever.
Sean Salai
Is the practice of exorcism best forgotten, or is there any value in it?