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Faith News
June 08, 2018
The blue flight suit bears the pope's name, a pair of angel wings, and a short white cape.
Faith News
June 01, 2018
Pope Francis said, "Sport is a very rich source of values and virtues that help us to become better people."
Politics & Society News
May 29, 2018
"The church is for life and her concern is that nothing be against life," no matter the stage of development or how weak or defenseless that life is, Pope Francis said.
Faith News
May 24, 2018
The need for universal health care coverage was a major topic at the World Health Assembly meeting.
Faith News
May 10, 2018
The Jesuit's approach was groundbreaking because "it was not a simple reconciliation of science and faith; it was integrating, creating a single, wholistic vision because the past danger was having a radical separation" of the two.
Politics & Society News
May 07, 2018
The bishops' conferences of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru forged a coordinated action plan to offer needed services to Venezuelans.
Faith News
April 28, 2018
Pope Francis' planned meeting with abuse survivors from Chile could mark a turning point in how the Catholic Church deals not just with prevention, but especially with how it responds to accusations.
Politics & Society News
April 20, 2018
The Italian tree conservation association, "Patriarchi della Natura," made the donation as part of its national effort to protect biodiversity by collecting and propagating native tree species that are threatened or in danger of extinction in their natural habitats.
Faith News
April 18, 2018
The father asked for "asylum" in Italy so his seriously ill son may receive care and "not be euthanized" in England.
Politics & Society News
April 16, 2018
Highlighting the plight of a seriously ill toddler in Great Britain and a severely brain-damaged man in France, Pope Francis called for greater respect for every patient's life and dignity.