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Faith Vatican Dispatch
July 17, 2023
Why has Pope Francis decided to recognize a bishop installed by Chinese authorities—in violation of the historic Sino-Vatican agreement—more than three months after he was appointed to China’s largest diocese?
Faith Vatican Dispatch
July 14, 2023
“The Second Vatican Council has given all the elements; there is no new element given by us. Everything which is there is in the council," Cardinal Hollerich shared in the second part of this exclusive interview.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
July 14, 2023
Pope tells Cardinal-elect Ángel Artime that he can remain head of the Salesian order until July 31, 2024, when he will give him a new role in the church.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
July 13, 2023
In this exclusive interview, Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich speaks about the synod of bishops on synodality that will open in the Vatican on Oct. 4, at which for the first time women will participate as full members with the right to vote.
Archbishop Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States, gives the annual Cardinal Dearden Lecture at The Catholic University of America in Washington April 26, 2023.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
July 09, 2023
Pope Francis announced today that he will hold a consistory on Sept. 30 to create 21 new cardinals, 18 of them electors with the right to vote in the next conclave.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
July 07, 2023
“Having reported on all the synods since 1985,” Gerard O’Connell writes, “I have come to believe that this synod could well be the most transformative event in the Catholic Church since the Second Vatican Council.”
Faith Interviews
July 06, 2023
Cardinal Blase Cupich, the archbishop of Chicago, recently concluded a two-week visit to Poland and war-torn Ukraine, he shares his experience with America's Vatican correspondent, Gerry O'Connell.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
July 06, 2023
In the second part of this exclusive interview with America, Archbishop Frank Leo says Pope Francis “stunned” him by nominating him as archbishop of Toronto.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
July 05, 2023
In this exclusive interview, the new archbishop of Toronto, the Most Rev. Frank Leo, talks about his call to the priesthood, life as a Vatican diplomat and what he learned as secretary general of the Canadian Catholic bishops’ conference.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
July 01, 2023
In a surprise move, Pope Francis has appointed the Argentine theologian and archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández as the new prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.