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Faith Vatican Dispatch
June 29, 2023
In his homily at Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica on June 29, Pope Francis called on the 32 new archbishops present to follow the example of Sts. Peter and Paul, whose feast the church celebrates today.
Politics & Society Vatican Dispatch
June 27, 2023
Cardinal Matteo Zuppi will be in Moscow June 28-29 “as the envoy of Pope Francis,” the Vatican announced today, on the second stage of a mission to explore ways to help bring an end to the war in Ukraine.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
June 23, 2023
The Argentine bishops knew for certain as early as 1979 that it was the military junta’s official policy to “disappear” people in order to quash opposition. The Vatican urged the bishops’ conference to intervene using all possible means.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
June 20, 2023
The synod’s working document, released at the Vatican on June 20, highlights three priorities for building a synodal church: communion, mission and participation.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
June 15, 2023
Pope Francis’ recovery from an operation for an incisional hernia on June 7 has “progressed in a regular way,” and he will be discharged from hospital and return to the Vatican on Friday morning, June 16.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
June 10, 2023
Pope Francis’ recovery from the operation for an incisional hernia is “progressing well,” but on the advice of his doctors, he will not recite the midday Angelus in public from Gemelli Hospital on Sunday.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
June 09, 2023
Rome’s Gemelli hospital shared photographs of some drawings, cards and crafts that children and young adults recovering in its pediatric oncology ward had sent to Pope Francis during his recovery.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
June 08, 2023
Four children from Bambino Gesú Children’s Hospital in Rome sent a colorful drawing to the pope, depicting him in a hospital bed, with the message, “Do not be afraid, we are with you!”
Faith Vatican Dispatch
June 07, 2023
“Pope Francis is alert and conscious and [sends] thanks for the many messages of closeness and prayers that have reached him immediately,” said Dr. Sergio Alfieri.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
June 07, 2023
"The surgery on the pope has finished,” the Vatican press office said in a statement on the evening of June 7. “It was done without complications, and lasted three hours.”