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Faith Vatican Dispatch
December 03, 2021
“Let us not become paralyzed by fear of openness or bold gestures or give in to talk of ‘irreconcilable differences’ that, in fact, have nothing to do with the Gospel!”
Politics & Society Vatican Dispatch
December 02, 2021
“The European continent needs reconciliation and unity; it needs courage and enthusiasm, if it is to move forward. For it will not be the walls of fear and the vetoes dictated by nationalist interests that ensure its progress.”
Faith Vatican Dispatch
December 01, 2021
The pope sees his visit here as another way to get people in Europe and elsewhere to understand that the greatest humanitarian crisis since World War II requires a global solution.
Pope Francis embraces Cardinal Angelo Scola of Milan during a meeting with clergy and religious at the cathedral in Milan.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
November 23, 2021
“It seemed to me, right from the beginning, that Francis’ style of pontificate was like a punch in the stomach from the Holy Spirit to wake us up,” Cardinal Angelo Scola says in this exclusive interview.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
November 22, 2021
“Blessed is the bishop who makes poverty and sharing his lifestyle because with his witness he is building the kingdom of heaven.”
Students hold placards as they demonstrate to demand global action on climate change as part of the "Fridays for Future" movement in São Paulo March 15, 2019. The banner reads: "Hey Ricardo Salles, climate change is not fake news." The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences hosted a workshop Sept. 13-14 on the "post-truth" era in communications. (CNS photo/Amanda Perobelli, Reuters)
Faith Vatican Dispatch
November 21, 2021
Pope Francis to young people: “You have been entrusted with an exciting but also challenging task: to stand tall while everything around us seems to be collapsing; to be sentinels prepared to see the light...to be builders amid the many ruins of today’s world; to be capable of dreaming.”
Politics & Society Vatican Dispatch
November 04, 2021
The Vatican issued a statement insisting that it is “absolutely necessary to reactivate direct dialogue” between Israelis and Palestinians “to achieve a two-state solution.”
Faith Vatican Dispatch
October 30, 2021
Meeting at the Vatican with Pope Francis, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended an invitation to Francis to become the third pope in history to visit India.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
October 29, 2021
Pope Francis and President Joe Biden talked together in private for 75 minutes, an unusually long time by Vatican standards, a sign that the two leaders had a more in-depth discussion than observers had expected.
Politics & Society Vatican Dispatch
October 28, 2021
President Joe Biden and Pope Francis are expected to focus on the pandemic, migration, crises in the Middle East and climate change.