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Politics & Society Vatican Dispatch
October 26, 2021
Speakers from several academic disciplines highlighted the need for the international community, governments, civil society and religious communities to address the myriad of issues surrounding machine learning.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
October 16, 2021
Pope Francis, in a keynote address to the popular movements this weekend, made specific appeals “in the name of God” to those responsible for key sectors of today’s world economy.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
October 13, 2021
Today Pope Francis recognized a miracle attributed to the intercession of Pope John Paul I, opening the door to his beatification.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
October 12, 2021
In his first public lecture as prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Archbishop Arthur Roche left no doubt as to the direction the congregation will take under his leadership.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
October 09, 2021
The synod is intended to involve all the baptized—bishops, clergy, religious and laity—at the diocesan and continental levels.
Politics & Society Vatican Dispatch
October 09, 2021
Like President Biden, Speaker Pelosi is Catholic and has been attacked publicly by some American bishops for favoring abortion legislation.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
October 08, 2021
Part II of an exclusive interview with Bishop Robert McElroy on immigration, the upcoming synod and why the U.S. bishops have not defended the pope against attacks from EWTN.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
October 07, 2021
An exclusive interview with Bishop Robert McElroy on whether the bishops’ should deny Communion to pro-choice politicians and the need for a true “eucharistic revival.”
The judges of the Vatican City State criminal court—Venerando Marano, Giuseppe Pignatone and Carlo Bonzano—sit at a long table with a brown tablecloth in a makeshift court room.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
October 06, 2021
The high-profile Vatican trial was put on hold after Vatican prosecutors failed to present their evidence to the defendants before submitting it in court.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
October 04, 2021
Father Tong succeeds the current provincial, Stephen Chow, S.J., whom Pope Francis appointed as the new bishop of Hong Kong on May 17.