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Faith Vatican Dispatch
August 10, 2019
The revised statutes are meant to ensure that the Vatican Bank conducts its business solely for “the works of religion and of charity.”
Pope Francis greets pilgrims as he arrives for his general audience in Paul VI hall at the Vatican on Aug. 7. (CNS photo/Vatican Media via Reuters) 
Faith Vatican Dispatch
August 09, 2019
In a wide-ranging interview, Pope Francis warned of “sovereignism” as a force that leads to isolation and even war, and he discussed the ecological imperatives of the Synod on the Amazon.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
August 04, 2019
The 5,000-word letter focuses on four themes: pain, gratitude, encouragement and praise.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
June 30, 2019
President Trump traveled met Kim Jong-Un at the demilitarized zone along the 38th parallel that separates North and South Korea.
Demonstrators stand outside the German bishops' spring meeting in Lingen, March 11. The sexual abuse scandal and demands for reform have changed the German church, Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich said March 14. (CNS photo/Harald Oppitz, KNA) 
Faith Vatican Dispatch
June 29, 2019
The synod is set to address the sexual abuse crisis as well as the lack of vocations and the non-acceptance of Catholic teaching on sexuality.
Pope Francis meets with retired Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican April 15, 2019.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
June 28, 2019
A columnist for Corriere della Sera has published a new report on a meeting that he had with Benedict XVI in the Vatican gardens.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
June 28, 2019
The Holy See also calls on the Chinese authorities to refrain from using “intimidatory pressures” on the members of the underground church communities.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
June 21, 2019
Francis emphasized the need for “theological freedom” and said that “without the possibility of experimenting new ways nothing new is created, and one does not leave space to the newness of the Spirit of the Risen One.”
Augustinian Father Miguel Angel Cadenas baptizes a young man June 12, in a village along the Urituyacu River in Peru.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
June 17, 2019
While this proposal may draw most media attention, it should not be allowed to eclipse other significant aspects in the document, including the church’s strong commitment to work for justice for indigenous people and the protection of the environment.
Faith Vatican Dispatch
June 14, 2019
His renunciation did not come as a total surprise given the controversy that erupted in Chile following the priest’s controversial statements after his nomination.