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Faith Last Take
March 21, 2018
You have likely seen the profiles, the gifs, the memes, the television spots. But there is much that you have not seen.
Faith Jesuitical
February 23, 2018
“Far too spiritual, our prayer is asphyxiated by good manners.”
Faith Jesuitical
February 02, 2018
Many U.S. Catholics have not only ignored their Muslim brothers and sisters but harbor discriminatory views about Muslims at alarming rates.
Faith Jesuitical
January 12, 2018
President Trump’s latest racist remarks have many of asking: Who are we? What do we stand for? Who do we welcome and why?
Arts & Culture Books
January 08, 2018
Millennials didn't create the dysfunctional world they live in; they inherited it.
Politics & Society Dispatches
January 02, 2018
The Jesuits hold Honduran president “Juan Orlando Hernández and his allies responsible for the safety and physical and moral well-being” of Padre Melo and eight other regional leaders.
Faith Jesuitical
December 08, 2017
Have you ever gotten to know a priest only to discover that your conception of who he was was misguided?
Faith Jesuitical
December 08, 2017