
Brian Doyle was a much loved writer and poet and the longtime editor of Portland Magazine. He passed away in May 2017.
FaithFaith in Focus
Sometimes they would rustle and fidget impatiently in the pews and fiddle with missals and fold the parish newsletter into ships and trumpets.
In All Things
Now even the word “scapular” is a rare sighting, let alone the lovely gentle honest thing itself.
Faith in Focus
The Christos, for a skinny guy, sure was interested in good things to eat.
Faith in Focus
I watch for it every Easter vigil, and every Easter vigil it happens—this Easter vigil right in front of me where I sat in the second row of the chapel expressly to see it; and once again I nearly burst into tears, because it is so beautiful and subtle and gentle and heartrending and amazing,
FaithFaith in Focus
Life, death and the home country
FaithFaith in Focus
"If you are distracted by a little kid being a little kid you are not focused on what’s holy. Little kids are holy. Let it be."
Faith in Focus
Understanding the third person, the Holy Trinity and The Monsignor
Faith in Focus
Brian Doyle recalls his first encounter with a Jesuit, a huge and humble priest.
Faith in Focus
The sacred and secular meet in a future priest's experience on the battlefield.
Faith in Focus
Here’s a wonderful, redolent, crucial part of our Catholic childhoods.