FaithFaith and Reason
Public events take place today in 2024 that are eerily comparable to situations in another critical year: 1968. But our current situation, like 1968, is a moment when our faith can make a difference in history and in our own memories.
Arts & CultureBooks
H.B.S. can provide students with a “golden passport” to a wealthy lifestyle, but do ethical business practices get lost along the way?
In All Things
Joseph J Dunn quot Noble Vocations A Defense of Business Education in Catholic Schools rdquo tempts a response I was one of those Catholics who expressed anxiety about the much-discussed Koch Brothers gift to Catholic University of America When Mr Dunn and the leaders of Catholic University
Arts & CultureBooks
Michael Novak’s autobiography is another remarkable American success story.
In All Things
In this guest blog post David J O rsquo Brien responds to ldquo Murray rsquo s Mistake rdquo by Michael Baxter 9 24 Professor O rsquo Brien taught American Catholic history for nearly 40 years at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester Mass and most recently served as a visiting distin
Reform requires will, skill and political organization.
FaithFaith in Focus
While national leaders prepared for war, many Americans paused in wonder amid the pain.
A Catholic community mourns a fallen soldier.
In These Pages: From March 7, 1987.