Gerald O'Collins argues that frequent pauses for thought will allow God to clarify our hearts' desires.
Reflections by priests on the origins and meanings of their vocations
Somehow it seems fitting that Karen Armstrong should make the case for God Her earlier works establish her gift for displaying the vast historical range of a topic with little distortion Here she pursues the human quest for God from the evidence of the cave painters of 30 000 B C E to the musings
Reading Catholic and Feminist has been a strange experience The book centers on the years between 1960 and 1980 a two-decade slice of American Catholicism as lived by women and a few men trying to be true to their faith and their feminism The strangeness I felt stems from my coming of age durin
Catholic studies programs are growing in popularity on Catholic campuses across the country especially as a minor or part of a double major They offer students the opportunity to round out and deepen their education through an understanding of Catholicism rsquo s interaction with the cultural root
Arts & CultureBooks
The aim of this book is to rephrase Christian doctrine in nonstandard ways with the hope that these variants will either hit the target or if wayward illuminate how traditional language really works and why it is most appropriate The author is George Dennis OBrien emeritus president of the Univ
Arts & CultureBooks
I like this book And this troubles me Being Catholic How We Believe Practice and Think was originally a series of articles that Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk wrote for the Cincinnati archdiocesan paper The Catholic Telegraph Pilarczyk has revised the articles into a book for a wider market Let m
If you are looking for a concise and clear introduction to Christology look no further Like the fine teacher he must be as professor of theological studies and department chair at Loyola Marymount Los Angeles Thomas P Rausch S J uses the work of many scholars to wrestle with the question W
Michael Crosby is widely appreciated for his many gifts as a lecturer and author in the area of biblical spirituality He invariably brings to his audiences both clarity and commitment The clarity flows not only from his rhetorical prowess but from his considerable mastery of spirituality especial