
Don Clemmer is a writer and editor based in Indiana. He edits Cross Roads magazine for the Catholic Diocese of Lexington.
Politics & SocietyFeatures
As the U.S. bishops’ conference discerns a path forward, veterans cite legacy of work for the common good
The human formation provided in integrated formation models for the priesthood results not only in healthier, more well-rounded priests but also helps advance the vision of Vatican II.
Times of financial stress or uncertainty seem like a natural time to turn to one’s faith, but it can also be one of the most difficult times to do so.
An American paratrooper leaps from a plane, descends through the hazy night sky and lands, unnoticed, directly on the backstage catwalk of a large, U.S.O.-style show. Onstage an Asian ventriloquist performs an expressionless routine before a sea of unmoved military brass with a distinctly Communist