
Drew Christiansen, S.J., served as the editor in chief of America from 2005 to 2012. He was a Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Human Development at Georgetown University and a senior fellow with the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs. He was co-editor with Carole Sargent of A World Free from Nuclear Weapons: The Vatican Conference on Disarmament (Georgetown, 2020).
The Good Word
nbsp It is mid-summer and every home gardener is enjoying his harvest and sharing the bounty Right through my teenaged years and through my early twenties my grandfather kept a Victory Garden behind our home In midsummer when he took his midday break he would carry a picnic basket to the kitc
Reflections on the working document for the synod on the family
In All Things
At the Holy Sepulchre, a true triumph of ecumenical diplomacy.
In All Things
The pope understands well that the family can be "a matrix of tragedy."
In All Things
Beneath the Latin Church complex or ldquo convent rdquo in the village of Smakieh Jordan may be found a set of caverns unearthed by Francisan archeologists in the early twentieth century nbsp The underground chambers date back to the Stone Age but what makes them memorable are the small red cr
In All Things
During his lifetime and especially since the posthumous publication of his writings the late Jesuit paleontologist and spiritual writer Pierre Teilhard de Chardin did as much to renew the faith of 20th-century Catholics and inspire non-believers as any single Catholic figure with the possible excep
In All Things
As Pope Francis rests up for his three-day trip to the Holy Land Jewish extremists are putting out the word that Christians are not welcome in Israel There have been fourteen incidents of ldquo price-tagging rdquo that is defacing Christian sites with hate slogans in the last year seven in th
The Good Word
Identifying Christ’s transforming power in the world, whether in nature or in society, is essential to our faith in the Resurrection
The Good Word
Drew Christiansen, S.J., on the Palm Sunday procession of "the gentle one."
In All Things
On April 2 the Assembly of the Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land issued a historic communiqu asking ldquo Are Christians being persecuted in the Mideast rdquo The bishops answer lsquo Yes but rsquo because the question ignores the persecution of Muslims as well as Christians See below