
Drew Christiansen, S.J., served as the editor in chief of America from 2005 to 2012. He was a Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Human Development at Georgetown University and a senior fellow with the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs. He was co-editor with Carole Sargent of A World Free from Nuclear Weapons: The Vatican Conference on Disarmament (Georgetown, 2020).
In All Things
The Courtyard of the Gentiles is a Vatican effort to advance dialogue with men and women outside any religious tradition For the first time the Pontifical Council for Culture and its president Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi will bring the encounter to the United States with a three-day meeting Apri
In All Things
Peace is one leg of the tripod of Pope Francis rsquo Franciscan agenda the Poor Creation and Peace Already he has made headway in turning the church toward the poor removing the ldquo Bishop of Bling rdquo inspiring others to move out of their palatial residences and instructing religious to
In All Things
This is the second installment in a series of posts on Pope Francis as we look forward to the first anniversary of his election on March 13 The first entry quot Francis Far More than Show quot looks at how Francis is dramatically reshaping the papacy through his 1 his choice of advisers and 2
In All Things
To all the doubters who asked whether Pope Francis would prove to be all style and no substance the answer is in This highly popular innovative pope means business For sure he is the master of both grand and spontaneous gestures His request for prayers before his first blessing was a grand pu
The Good Word
A homily from former editor in chief Drew Christiansen, S.J., on the parable of the "lilies of the field" (Matt 6: 24-34).
In All Things
For the past quarter century there has been a partisan dimension to campaigns for religious liberty first abroad and now at home In part at least the critical issues involved have been misused by leading proponents in efforts to get the upper hand on whichever administration happens to occupy th
The Dignity of the Vulnerable By Meghan J. Clarke‘The dignity of the human person and the common good rank higher than the comfort of those who refuse to renounce their privileges” (No. 218). In a simple sentence, Pope Francis summarizes the bedrock of Catholic social doctrine: human dignity
In All Things
The release today of Pope Francis rsquo s 2014 World Day of Peace Message ldquo Fraternity the Foundation and Pathway to Peace rdquo is the pope rsquo s second major statement in two weeks A significant theme in the message is the link between poverty and inequality The Holy Father notes that
In All Things
Your Spirit changes our hearts enemies begin to speak together those who are estranged join hands in friendship and nations seek the way of peace together Preface 2nd Eucharistic Prayer for Reconciliation The storm of protest against the agreement between the Permanent Members of the UN Securi
In All Things
“Joy of the Gospel” is fundamentally an embrace of Vatican II in Papa Francesco’s intensely personal pastoral style.