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The Editors
We are honored at America to be a trusted educational resource for high school teachers, college professors and directors of religious education. As we create new, engaging content, we will be updating our teacher resource pages and creating content packages for instructors.
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The Editors

Khmer Rouge Trials

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The Editors
The duty to protect and the perils of Vitamin Water
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Precisely at a time when help for the poor is most needed social programs are being cut.
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The Webby Pope; Miracle on the Hudson?
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Martin Luther King and the legacy of nonviolent resistance
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The Editors
Playing Politics with Religion? Richard John Neuhaus 1936-2009
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The Editors
After Gaza; Lives of Gays and Lesbians
The Editors
Who is the real enemy in the global fight against terrorism?
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Avery Dulles: Disciple of Jesus