
Eileen Markey teaches journalism at Lehman College and is at work on a book about the people’s movement that helped to rebuild the Bronx in the 1970s and ’80s.
EspañolIn All Things
This translation has been provided by Juan V Fern ndez de la Gala The original post can be found here Esta es una historia de amor y no de muerte Estaba empezando la Cuaresma y me detuve un momento ante la tumba de tres religiosas de Maryknoll en un peque o cementerio al noroeste de El Salvado
FaithIn All Things
It 39 s about love not death At the beginning of Lent I stood before the grave of three Maryknoll sisters in a crowded little cemetery in the northwestern province of El Salvador I 39 d come looking for Maura Clarke one of the four church women ndash Ita Ford Dorothy Kazel Jean Donovan are
Taking inspiration from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn rsquo s seminal One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Jens Soering has written an unblinking and harrowing critique of the American prison system and what he argues is the nation rsquo s over-reliance on incarceration Soering takes readers through a