
Eileen Markey teaches journalism at Lehman College and is at work on a book about the people’s movement that helped to rebuild the Bronx in the 1970s and ’80s.
FaithFaith in Focus
Dr. Edward Eismann structured Unitas around surrogate families—groups of teens and younger children assigned to care for each other in cascading mentorship that also supported birth families. As they spoke at the funeral home, those who had grown up in Unitas testified to its profound influence in their life.
Arts & CultureBooks
Angel Garcia tells the story of the Rev. Neil Connolly, a priest with a deep faith in his parishioners, who carried their faith from the mountains of Puerto Rico to the streets of the Bronx.
Arts & CultureLast Take
An outsider in parochial Boston not beholden to ties of kin and culture, Mr. Baron greenlighted an expensive and difficult investigation.
Arts & CultureLast Take
The death of renowned reporter Jim Dwyer is a loss for New York City—as well as for all the people he influenced, informed, or touched in other ways over the course of an impressive life.
Politics & SocietyFeatures
From the streets of Chicago to hospital halls in the Bronx, volunteers are trying to end the national scourge of gun violence by treating it as a virus, preventing victims from becoming perpetrators.
Politics & SocietyFeatures
Canada has begun truth-seeking and reconciliation, and the Sisters of Charity in Nova Scotia are confronting their order’s role in a racist educational system.
Long before Pope Francis articulated in “Laudato Si’” a comprehensive Catholic call to care for the physical environment, Agape members were focused on treading lightly on the earth and combining a contemplative lifestyle with frontline environmental and peace activism.
Activists see a moral imperative for protecting our water.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
The media is not the “enemy of the people.” We are the people’s detectives.
'Flannery O'Connor,' by Angela Alaimo O’Donnell; 'Oscar Romero,' by Kevin Clarke