
Most Rev. Emil A. Wcela is auxiliary bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, N.Y.
FaithFaith and Reason
What do Catholics think about the translation of the Mass we are now using?
FaithFaith in Focus
As long as I have lived here, almost 30 years now, a mockingbird has arrived every spring and stayed until the approach of winter.
The ordination of women to the diaconate is separate from the question of the ordination of women to the priesthood.
Faith in Focus
We are fast becoming extinct, we dinosaur Catholics who passed through childhood, adolescence and into adult years with the Latin Mass. Now men and women in the generations after us are talking a lot about the Latin Mass. Perhaps my personal recollections of the journey from Latin to English, surely
Faith in Focus
"We have to close parishes.” “Many of our young priests are very conservative.” “So many couples who come to be married in church or to have their babies baptized don’t have a clue about the faith. People call themselves Catholic but have nothing to do with the Chu
Faith in Focus
Some of the priests identified as abusers, staring out from the pages of the local newspapers, are not strangers to me. I was on the faculty of the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Huntington, N.Y., from 1965 through 1979. I taught Scripture all those years and was rector for the last six. I
Faith in Focus
Mama Leone’s was a famous restaurant in midtown Manhattan a few decades ago. A combination of location—West 48th Street between Seventh Avenue and Eighth Avenue—food, atmosphere and entertainment attracted tourists into waiting lines that often stretched into the street. If the ma&