
J. Greg Phelan is co-founder and board chair of Project Write Now, a nonprofit dedicated to helping people of all ages become better writers. He has written for The New York Times, The Millions and other publications.
Arts & CultureBooks
Elizabeth Strout’s new short story collection offers an array of poignant case studies portraying this legacy of trauma.
Arts & Culture
Moonglow may be the most entertaining, well-written and truthful memoir you've ever read.
"The Book of Strange New Things: A Novel," by Michel Faber
In her 1963 essay ldquo Novelist and Believer rdquo Flannery O rsquo Connor lamented the difficulty of writing about man rsquo s encounter with God and making the experience understandable and credible to a skeptical modern audience devoid of religious feeling ldquo Today rsquo s reader rdquo
ldquo J F Powers 81 Dies Wrote about Priests rdquo So read the stark headline of this great Catholic writer rsquo s obituary in The New York Times in 1999 Powers did write about priests in most of his short stories and both of his novels including his comic masterpiece Morte d rsquo Urban
Arts & CultureBooks
While Strout’s masterful design draws us in, it is the searing emotional specificity of her language that captures us.