If Seamus Heaney digs with his pen Erskine Clarke casts his like an expert fly fisherman In this book By The Rivers of Water chapters end with sharp forebodings of what lurks around the next bend Clarke reels us through the lives of Leighton and Jane Wilson a married missionary couple who leav
In All Things
Russia grants Edward Snowden a nbsp one-year asylum Bishop of Saltillo Mgr Raul Vera Lopez condemns local Mexican prison for its abhorrent conditions In Chile the Cathedral of Santiago re-opens after violent raid last week We posted a story about the possible kidnapping of a Jesuit priest in Syria
In All Things
Secretary of State John Kerry appoints former American ambassador to Israel to represent the U S in the nbsp new series of talks in the Middle East Meanwhile in the Middle East settlers burned a Palestinian family 39 s olive grove for the eigth time nbsp while leaving their patch unscathed The
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Msgr Francis A Chullikatt Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the UN tells Security Council on the Middle East quot there can be no military solution to the Syrian conflict quot In the midst of a three-day rainstorm Pope Francis says he has come to quot knock on the door of Mary quot dur
In All Things
nbsp How many times have you heard the rebuttal ldquo that just isn rsquo t the way things work rdquo Solutions whether truly good or not are often tossed aside at the first hint of systemic friction It seems as though the supposedly streamlined infrastructure we have created for ourselves c
This week two giants of the publishing world joined forces Penguin a subsidiary of Pearson Group has merged with Random House to form what Markus Dohle the chief executive officer of the newly minted Penguin Random House has described as the ldquo first truly global trade book publishing compa
In All Things
It seems as if every couple years a National Security Agency or surveillance story is leaked to exactly the same response mass hysteria and public demands that the government release reports of just how deep these procedures dig And it seems as if every couple years we forget that the same thing h