
The Rev. James Martin, S.J., is a Jesuit priest, author, editor at large at America and founder of Outreach.
In All Things
Here s the story from the London nbsp Times online A Vatican scholar claims to have deciphered the death certificate imprinted on the Shroud of Turin or Holy Shroud a linen cloth revered by Christians and held by many to bear the image of the crucified Jesus Dr Barbara Frale a researcher in t
In All Things
Frank Clooney s nbsp post below got me thinking about who else should be a saint nbsp Given that I m not the pope I don t have much say in the matter but here s my Top Five list nbsp nbsp I m leaving out those who are already on the fast track like Pope nbsp John Paul II Mother Teresa John
In All Things
I m happy to report that Masswepray see post nbsp below the strange video game is a hoax or at least their website today leads you to a weird place nbsp On the other hand the Talking Rosary is not
In All Things
Responding to the confusion over his absence at the announcement of Anglicanum coetibus Cardinal Walter Kasper president of the Council for Christian Unity nbsp explains what happened in an interview with L Osservatore Romano nbsp Sandro Magister veteran Vatican-watcher relates the story in Ch
In All Things
Good news nbsp from CNA about the soon-to-be-Venerable soon-to-be Blessed soon-to-be Saint nbsp John Paul II Vatican analyst Andrea Tornielli reported this week that the first step toward the beatification of John Paul II has already been completed nbsp He explained that officials at the Congre
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From Nicholas Lash the distinguished theologian author and former professor of divinity at Cambridge in this week s Tablet nbsp He is dilating on Anglicanorum coetibus the apostolic constitution as well as the complementary norms relating to the Vatican s welcoming of Anglicans nbsp And he
In All Things
This is either the funniest thing I ve ever seen or the scariest nbsp Or a pretty good hoax nbsp On the other hand they have a website that looks pretty legit A family shouldn rsquo t have to wait until Sunday to worship the Lord Now you can go to church every day without leaving your home P
In All Things
David Gibson at Politics Daily has the story of what the US Bishops Conference heard yesterday at their national meeting from nbsp a sweeping study conducted by John Jay College Preliminary nbsp results from a sweeping study of sexual abuse in the priesthood show that the Catholic Church has be
In All Things
This from the National Jesuit News U S Representative Anh Joseph nbsp Cao R-La spoke with National Jesuit News about the process of discernment that he uses in reaching decisions as a U S congressman how those decisions are grounded in his background in Ignatian spirituality and why he didn
In All Things
Please find a spot for my little machine-y nbsp If all you know about Mother Cabrini is that prayer for a parking spot check this out posted by nbsp the Brooklyn diocese s NET channel for her feast day on Nov 13 nbsp There is a wonderful interview included with a sister from her order who