The Rev. James Martin, S.J., is a Jesuit priest, author, editor at large at America and founder of Outreach.
FaithFaith in Focus
This Christmas, please help me remember a few simple things.
Politics & SocietyNews Analysis
Buried beneath the shock and anger is a searing question: How could this happen?
Politics & SocietyNews Analysis
Blaming celibacy is an enormous simplification that leaves out many important causes.
FaithFaith in Focus
‘Now, I know I’m not the most grateful person you know, God, so let me take some time to tell you what I’m thankful for.’
FaithVantage Point
Father Weinandy surely wrote his letter out of a heartfelt desire to help the church. But in doing so, he belied a misunderstanding of one of the basic elements of Pope Francis’ teaching.
FaithFaith in Focus
I am sad over the loss of life, tired of excuses for the loss of life, and angry that we are paralyzed by the loss of life.
EspañolAmerica en Espanol
Dios Creador, te pedimos que calmes el viento y las olas del huracán que se aproxima, y que protejas de todo daño a los que se encuentran en su paso.
Let the conversation continue.
FaithFaith in Focus
At a Fourth of July parade, I’m happy to sing to my country. At the Mass, I’d rather sing to my Savior.
Even negative reactions are part of the conversation that I hoped the book would generate about L.G.B.T. Catholics.