
The Rev. James Martin, S.J., is a Jesuit priest, author, editor at large at America and founder of Outreach.
In All Things
How do I find God nbsp That question marks the starting point for all seekers But surprisingly many books on spirituality often downplay or ignore them Some writers assume you already believe in God that you have already found God or that God is already part of your life But it is somewhat r
In All Things
For those of you interested in things Jesuit and Ignatian here are some updates nbsp First off nbsp the Ignatian Pro-Life Network a union of pro-life groups from Jesuit high schools colleges universities and parishes across the U S invites participants to the annual Mass for Life amp Ral
In All Things
John Allen as usual has the goods over at NCR nbsp According to a report by veteran Italian Vatican writer Andrea Tornielli a miracle attributed to the late Pope John Paul II has been approved by both the medical and theological consulters of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints In effect
In All Things
It s rare to see a nbsp fresh approach in the pro-life discourse but this superb op-ed today in the New York Times The Unborn Paradox by their regular columnist Ross Douthat brings together nbsp two issues that are too rarely--if ever--paired nbsp First the widespread heartfelt nbsp and fr
In All Things
For my 50th birthday this past week I decided that nbsp it would be a lark nbsp to Tweet the 12 Things I Wish I Knew at 25 nbsp Or rather things that had I either known them or more accurately nbsp followed them would have made my life a lot easier and saved me a lot of heartache nbsp Some
In All Things
The Washington Post has an interesting nbsp profile of Msgr Guido Marini the Vatican s Master of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations a nbsp Vatican nbsp post nbsp whose nbsp influence lies in among other things nbsp its capacity to influence liturgical practices worldwide given how closely papa
In All Things
Not long ago two young children helped me see the Nativity of Jesus in a new way Their presence in my life made the Christmas story an entirely new experience When I first started meditating on the Nativity passages as a Jesuit novice more than 20 years ago my prayer and reading focused largely
FaithIn All Things
If we fail to consider the difficulties faced by the Holy Family, we can be lulled into thinking that the first Christmas was a familiar, even cozy, affair.
In All Things
Following up on Jim Keane s post below don t miss Grant Gallicho s post over at Dotcommonweal on Bishop Olmsted s decision to strip St Joseph s Hospital of its Catholic status nbsp It s a lot more nuanced than today s New York Times editorial which referred approvingly to the hospital s aborti
In All Things
This is a repost of a nbsp post that was accidentally deleted when I pushed the wrong button nbsp Here rsquo s a line from The Catechism of the Catholic Church that is not I would wager particularly well known nbsp It has to do with the overall treatment of gays and lesbians in modern societ