Arts & CultureBooks
American Maelstrom examines the 1968 election by focusing on the personalities who sought the nation’s highest office.
'The Future of the Catholic Church with Pope Francis,' by Garry Wills
James McCartin chronicles the seismic shift in prayer life for American Catholics after Vatican II.
Arts & CultureBooks
While reading Maureen Fitzgerald rsquo s doctoral dissertation a few years ago I was introduced to Sister Mary Irene Fitzgibbon an Irish-born Sister of Charity whose work on behalf of poor working women in New York City had become legendary She established the Foundling Asylum in 1869 and supervi
Arts & CultureBooks
Most Irish Americans have the impression that the history of Irish America began in the 19th century when over three million Irish mostly Catholic emigrated to the United States That is false This history began in the 18th century when thousands of Irish mostly Protestant emigrated to Britis