
Jennifer Fulwiler is an author, a speaker and the host of The Jennifer Fulwiler Show on SiriusXM.
FaithFaith in Focus
Could I really be happy if my primary focus for years to come was managing a house full of babies?
In All Things
Thank you for your thoughtful presentation of your ldquo conversion rdquo to the pro-life perspective and to the view that sex and the creation of human life are sacred acts I respect your willingness to challenge yourself and others to look at these issues directly I have gone through a similar
In All Things
Thanks a lot for your wonderful article It strikes me because it rsquo s based on a life journey not an intellectual black or white good or bad demonizing-the ndash other simplistic fight over arguments I remain however puzzled on why so many pro-life committed Christians seem so less enthusias
In All Things
ldquo I was lured into one of the oldest biggest most tempting lies in human history the enemy is not human ldquo And you in this article have done the same toward women You show absolutely no respect for the acts of gestating a fetus and giving birth - giving new life to a human somethin
In All Things
This is a great article I would like to hear from a former atheist or convert to Catholicism regarding the issue of contraception I have a Catholic friend who sees no problem with using contraception but she is against abortion However she used to make exceptions for rape and incest but she is
In All Things
This is a wonderful-written article As the past leader of a Ivy League college pro-life group I struggled with how to present well-reasoned articles to pro-choicers who violently objected to my position thought it idiotic and argued exactly from the position you ve identified that the baby wa
In All Things
I was curious as to whether there was any religious teaching or training in your childhood years Your story gives me hope that other areligious people who are willing to seek answers to life rsquo s questions will find them if they are willing to ask and seek answers Theo Alhaus I had no rel
In All Things
Jennifer Fulwiler s article A Sexual Revolution has received dozens of comments and at 19 000 hits and counting is the by far the most-read article on America s new Web site This afternoon and tomorrow Jennifer will be answering questions posed by readers To ask a question of your own post
The story of one woman's journey from pro-choice atheist to pro-life Catholic