
Jeremy Zipple, S.J., is associate pastor of St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church in Belize City and a documentary filmmaker. He is a former executive editor at America.
Politics & SocietyDispatches
James Carney pledged his life to the cause of destitute campesinos in Honduras, living and working among them as a parish priest and organizing campesino cooperatives to fight for land reform and human rights.
The prayer of Father Sam Wilson is that more of his brother Jesuits will answer the call to serve in assignments on the peripheries like southern Belize. “It’s where we should be,” he says.
FaithFaith in Focus
Experimenting with virtual liturgies need not be a cause for despair but instead an invitation from the Lord to try something new.
FaithFaith in Focus
During my first half-decade as a priest, I buried a total of three people. In the last two years here in Belize, that number is well over a hundred—and it has reminded me of love’s eternalness.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
As Mississippi puts away the Confederate stars-and-bars, native son Jeremy Zipple, S.J., reflects on the heavy silence around racism that prevailed during his childhood.
Arts & CultureBooks
Through their stories, we too are allowed to cry and hope with these blessed ones.
FaithFaith in Focus
I will see two people talking and pray: “Lord, whatever that is please bless that. Don't even know what it is.”
FaithSigns Of the Times
"The problem that we have today, not only in society but also in the church, is that we've become too polarized," Cardinal Kevin Farrell, an Irish-born prelate who was bishop of Dallas before taking over a Vatican department on family life earlier this year, told America.
In All Things
An interview with the Jesuit-educated director of "Spotlight," this year's winner for Best Picture.
FaithIn All Things
The ancient Christian population of Bethlehem is fast disappearing. One of the few remaining Palestinian Christians explains what it feels like to celebrate Christmas there today.