The skeletal body of Jeremy Bentham sits on public display in a glass-fronted case at University College London. Bentham, the founder of utilitarianism, left careful instructions for the use of his remains on his death in 1832. His body was to be used for a public medical lecture, then dissected, t
The Da Vinci Code is a systematic attack on the divinity of Jesus Christ. The book’s author, Dan Brown, pursues his quarry with an obsessiveness that overrides good storytelling technique. And Brown’s characters (supposedly in mortal danger, always just one step ahead of being captured)
This past autumn’s Supreme Court confirmation battles could be used as material for a short course in jurisprudence. Lesson One: Roe v. Wade Overshadows Everything (Why does abortion dominate American law and politics to a degree unheard of elsewhere in the world?). Lesson Two: Rights Absoluti