The life of Caravaggio is as starkly dramatic as the paintings he made.
In All Things
The New York Times front page report about Mitt Romney rsquo s two year tax return released to the public this morning answers a few of the questions and topics raised by readers of my recent blog 1 19 The Hedge Fund Loophole First question Was this the loophole how Mr Romney made most of
In All Things
For years managers of hedge funds or private equity funds like Mitt Romney have enjoyed a privileged federal tax rate on so-called ldquo carried interest rdquo But that 15 percent rate while legal is also grossly unfair to virtually all other taxpayers It is unfair because it allows these ma
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Unless things change appreciably in the next few primaries Iowa has presented a rather clear possibility perhaps even a probability though it is too early to know for sure Mitt Romney could win the Republican nomination handily while the other candidates split the evangelical vote Although Mr
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ldquo Global Christianity A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World rsquo s Christian Population rdquo has just been published by the Pew Research Center rsquo s Forum on Religion amp Public Life The report locates Christian populations around the world and compares them with other re
The Polish artist Stanislaw Wyspianski was grounded in the private, personal world of family.
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ldquo Can the Middle Class Be Saved rdquo mdash Don Peck rsquo s thought-provoking article in the latest September issue of the Atlantic mdash does more than raise the question and supply the history and patterns that caused him to formulate it in the first place It is no secret that for 30 ye
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In ldquo Crashing the Tea Party rdquo an Op Ed piece in the New York Times 8 16 David E Campbell and Robert D Putnam present data they have culled from their own repeated interviews since 2006 Their primary finding is that the Tea Party has become increasingly unpopular with the American pu