
Kenneth L. Woodward was the religion editor of Newsweek for 38 years. His latest book is Getting Religion: Faith, Culture and Politics from the Era of Eisenhower to the Ascent of Trump.
FaithFaith and Reason
The time is ripe for rethinking the assumption that the purpose of acquiring a college degree is to snag a job at graduation.
FaithLast Take
Peter Gumpel, S.J., who died last week, devoted his life to the work of the Vatican's Congregation for the Causes of Saints. He also had a surprising secret about his own background.
Arts & CultureFeatures
Kenneth Woodward interviews the Rev. Joseph Komonchak, the renowned scholar of the Second Vatican Council, on the council's impact yesterday and today.
FaithShort Take
Both Cuomo père et fils approach the issue as political animals, and their support for abortion on demand was and is driven by Democratic party politics.
Billy Graham sought to make the entire population of America his congregation.