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Kevin Clarke is America’s chief correspondent and the author of Oscar Romero: Love Must Win Out (Liturgical Press).
Kevin Clarke
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on toxic waste, Marc Pallemaerts, today in Geneva urged states to increase efforts to eliminate the use of lead especially in paint and toys. Even though lead poisoning is entirely preventable, lead exposure causes 143,000 deaths and 600,000 new cases of childre
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
JP Morgan 39 s record fine who benefits most Zygmunt Bauman is in awe of Pope Francis Overwhelmed or underdone Obama admin acknowledges problems with ACA web registration launch Same sex couples may marry in New Jersey Remembering Father John Grange a 39 welcomer 39 in the BronxAs scandal un
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
A majority of U S Hispanics identify as Catholic 53 percent 25 percent identify as Protestant nearly evenly divided between evangelical Protestant and mainline Protestant and few Hispanics 6 percent identify with a non-Christian religion But perhaps the fastest growing ldquo religious rd
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
As the government shutdown snorted and whinnied on into its second week the mood accountants at Pew checked in with the American public Here 39 s a little of what they discovered Eighty-one percent say they are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the United States while just 14 percent
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
The U S bishops welcomed the decision of federal government leaders to agree to end the partial government shutdown 16 days after closing many offices and suspending important programs and services The bishops also were heartened that so many who had been out of work could return to their jobs ld
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Some thoughts quot On the International Day to Eradicate Poverty quot nbsp from Joe Donnelly of Caritas Internationalis The MDGs are still here They keep coming up They 39 re informing many They 39 re disturbing others They speak from people everywhere They 39 re demanding our attention Tomorro
Site of mass grave in the Sleibeh al-Hamboushieh hamlet
Kevin Clarke
Just weeks after it issued a damning report which connected the Syrian government to chemical weapons attacks on rebel-held areas outside Damascus, Human Rights Watch issued a new report today on human rights abuses and possible war crimes, this time implicating groups which are part of the arm
Out for a stroll in Timbuktu
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Today is the global celebration of the United Nation 39 s International Day of the Girl Child nbsp Rev Richard Ryscavage S J director of Fairfield University rsquo s Center for Faith and Public Life applauded the U N initiative which focuses on the pivotal need to educate girls as ldquo a
Blessing statues of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Nashville
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
The percentage of multicultural parishes in the U S is on the increase according to new research from the Georgetown University-based Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate C A R A C A R A estimates there are approximately 6 700 multicultural parishes in the United States many located
Wealth Recovery Focused at the Top
Kevin Clarke
Global wealth has reached a new all-time high of $241 trillion, up 4.9 percent since last year and 68 percent since 2003, with the United States accounting for 72 percent of the latest increase. That’s the account of earthly wealth taken in the 2013 Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report. Average