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Kevin Clarke is America’s chief correspondent and the author of Oscar Romero: Love Must Win Out (Liturgical Press).
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Father Paolo Dall'Oglio disappeared in the east of the country late last month.
Kevin Clarke
Egypt’s Christians appear to already be paying a price for the Egyptian military’s decision to dislodge largely peaceful protests in Cairo with a large-scale dispersal operation that quickly became violent. Numbers are in flux but scores have perished as the military moved in this mornin
SNAP under attack
Kevin Clarke
House Republicans double down on cuts; Bishop Pates calls for compromise.
Kerry and Mideast negotiators
Kevin Clarke
Secretary of State John Kerry and the U.S. State Department significantly raised the bar both on the ambitions and expectations for upcoming negotiations between West Bank Palestinians and the State of Israel. The wild card left out of the new discussions, which have set the laudable but so far elus
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Pope Francis ignited a firestorm on the Internet with a few words about gay and lesbian people that seemed to suggest a new church position on homosexuality I say quot seemed to quot because it would only appear new to someone who was unfamiliar with the old position nbsp Speaking to a gang of r
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
In a press conference, the pope emphasized human dignity of gay and lesbian people.
Happy baby and the pope
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
nbsp Pope Francis working his side gig as baby whisperer That is one smiley baby and this guy is officially too good to be true
Kerry in Ramallah
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
nbsp In a July 26 letter nbsp to Secretary of State John Kerry 30 Jewish Christian and Muslim religious leaders including three Catholic bishops voiced ldquo strong support for his determined initiative for Israeli-Palestinian peace rdquo In letters to the leadership of the Senate Foreign Re
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia says the quot right wing of the church generally have not been really happy quot nbsp with Pope Francis Though I think it 39 s safe to say they are more enthusiastic about Pope Frank the folks are Jesuit Refugee Services are less happy with the Austral
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
More violence troubles Egypt as at least 6 are killed in clashes between security forces and Morsi supporters with accounts from eyewitness Meanwhile Washington comes closer to a decision on arming Syrian resistance as Free Syrian Army scores a victory in the struggle with Asaad and a UN officia