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Kevin Clarke is America’s chief correspondent and the author of Oscar Romero: Love Must Win Out (Liturgical Press).
Pope Francis
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Although somewhat unexpected the election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio to succeed Benedict XVI has the air of a safe compromise decision At age 76 he does not have the physical vibrancy and personal dynamism that a younger man might have brought to Rome Vatican watchers did not consider Be
Signs Of the Times
Kevin Clarke
The passing of Chávez unleashed an epic outpouring of grief among his supporters.
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
While the world ponders smoke signals from Rome the happy wonky warriors at the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life have taken it upon themselves to prevent the mood among the world 39 s Catholics from getting too giddy Recent releases from Pew researchers have detailed the things about the chu
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Kristen Day the executive director of Democrats for Life of America offers some unsolicited advice in the Daily News to N Y Governor Andrew Cuomo as he seeks to extend some of the most permissive abortion laws in the nation In his second State of the State address in 2012 Gov Cuomo said that o
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
North Korean stalwart China joined the United States in a unanimous U N Security Council vote for tougher sanctions against North Korea on March 8 targeting the secretive nation 39 s nuclear program Just hours before the Kim regime in Pyongyang threatened a possible quot preemptive nuclear att
Kevin Clarke
A Feb. 21 decision by German bishops to allow emergency contraception to be administered to victims of sexual assault was a surprise to many Catholics, who saw it perhaps as an opening in the church’s monolithic rejection of contraception. They may have been further surprised when church offic
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Are more cordial relations possible in the near term between New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and President Obama? The administration and the U.S. bishops have been at loggerheads over a Department of Health and Human Services mandate for cost-free contraception in new health insurance plans and have seemed to have had more than a few brittle moments during the 2012 election. After H.H.S. recently took another crack at revising exemptions and accommodations for religious employers in its mandated coverage, Cardinal Dolan, while not signing on to the latest revision, seemed to tone down the confrontational rhetoric a notch or two, offering to continue to work with the Obama administration to find a resolution that was amenable to the consciences of all parties. That more conciliatory stance was encouraged publicly by two bishops.
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Two events out of the Spring meeting of the German Bishops Conference in the western town of Trier are worth noting today A diaconate for women was proposed by Cardinal Walter Kasper during a study day on Feb 21 discussing how to involve more women in church life today Kasper spoke of a ldquo dea
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Highlighting the president rsquo s quot call for sensible steps on gun control quot in his State of the Union address mdash and similar actions by NY Governor Andrew Cuomo and NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg mdash N Y Cardinal Tim Dolan added his voice to those appealing for stricter gun regulation He
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
After Bishop Chaput 39 s recent scorching of the latest regulatory revision from the Department of Health and Human Services Spokane 39 s Bishop Blase Cupich has jumped in where episcopal angels may have feared to tread daring to offer some not-negative comments about the recent accomodation-exe