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Kevin Clarke is America’s chief correspondent and the author of Oscar Romero: Love Must Win Out (Liturgical Press).
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Some have noted the lack of response from the U S Conference of Catholic Bishops to the Supreme Court 39 s decision to toss out key components of the Voting Rights Act particularly compared to the U S C C B 39 s rapid condemnation of the court 39 s DOMA decision Today the bishops issued a sta
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
One of the week rsquo s most dramatic responses to the Supreme Court decision overturning the federal Defense of Marriage Act DOMA came from U S C C B President Cardinal Timothy Dolan archbishop of New York when he called June 26 the day the decision was issued ldquo a tragic day for marriage
93,000 dead in Syria
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
As the Obama administration contemplates methods of arming the Free Syrian nbsp Army that will seek to prevent a trickle-down delivery of American weapons to Islamists extremists fighting alongside the opposition two American bishops have called for the United States to abandon the military option
Destruction in Syria
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
The explosion of civil unrest in the Arab world since 2011 may have toppled authoritarian regimes and larcenous despots but it has done little to address long-term internecine resentments and so far has resulted in even less religious freedom That rsquo s among the findings of a report released to
Kevin Clarke
Persistent critics have weakened the church's anti-poverty program, the report says.
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi is refusing to comment on a quot private meeting quot but Pope Francis is being quoted by a number of European media outlets including AFP Agence France Presse as confirming the existence of a quot gay lobby quot inside the Vatican that he suggests may be
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
The heads of the national conferences of bishops from the nations participating in the upcoming G8 summit have sent a joint letter to the leaders of G8 nations commenting on the issues they would like to see emphasized at the summit Citing recent comments from good Pope Francis on making a special
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
With the nation still reeling over the revelations of infanticide and assorted grotesqueries that emerged during the trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia last month and bucking a national trend of legislative encroachments against broad abortion rights New York Governor Andrew Cuomo
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Some items to note today at America nbsp Pope Francis on Pope John XXIII 39 Faith Leads to Interior Peace 39 nbsp The life of Blessed John XXIII is a lesson in how obedience and trust in God lead to an interior peace that is naturally recognized by and shared with others Pope Francis said nb
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Over three-quarters of Americans 77 percent say religion is losing its influence on American life according to a new Gallup survey Researchers described that result as the quot most negative evaluation of the impact of religion since 1970 quot although it continues a trend of a public perce