
Luke Hansen, a former associate editor of America, is a Catholic writer and speaker.
Synod on the Family
Archbishop Paul-André Durocher of Gatineau, Canada, told America in an interview that violence against women is a “whole social phenomenon we’re still not dealing with adequately."
“The real work of this synod happens in the small group discussions,” and the Holy Spirit has been alive in those discussions, Bishop Murry told America in an interview.
In All Things
In the interview with America, Bishop Francis Quinn said, “I personally think the Spirit is calling [women] to be deacons and priests, but the Spirit hasn’t done it clearly enough to convince the teaching church.”
Synod on the Family
Cardinal Reinhard Marx, archbishop of the Diocese of Munich and Freising, is head of the German bishops’ conference, a member of the Council of Cardinals that advises Pope Francis on church governance, coordinator of the Vatican’s Council for the Economy and author of Das Kapital: A Plea
Cardinal Reinhard Marx, archbishop of Munich and Freising, is head of the German bishops’ conference, a member of the Council of Cardinals that advises Pope Francis on church governance, coordinator of the Vatican’s Council for the Economy and author of Das Kapital: A Plea for Man (
In All Things
An increasingly influential German cardinal spoke to a packed auditorium at Stanford University on Jan 15 about the challenge of organizing a free and open society that is linked with the common good ldquo It is important for the church to be in the great questions of social justice rdquo said C
In Arcatao, El Salvador, a small town nestled amid stunning mountain vistas near the Honduran border, the Historical Memory Committee is charged with preserving the memory of the civil war that left more than 75,000 dead—and thousands more “disappeared”—between 1980 and 1992.
Of Many Things
Christians have long written about connection between war and the liturgy.
An insider’s view of the detainees in Guantánamo Bay
Cmdr. Walter Ruiz of the U.S. Navy serves as legal counsel to Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi, 45, a defendant in the military commissions at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, for his alleged role in the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The charges against Mr. al-Hawsawi, a citizen of Saudi Arabia, include conspiracy to co