
Luke Hansen, a former associate editor of America, is a Catholic writer and speaker.
The hunger strike that involved more than 100 detainees and captured international attention was still on when I landed on the U.S. naval base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. It was July 16, 2013, and my arrival coincided with that of John F. Kelly, a four-star Marine general who is commander of U.S. mili
In All Things
When I graduated from college and worked in an office for the first time I saw people drinking four five six cups of coffee every day I decided that I never wanted to take up that habit so I avoided coffee altogether Years later when I started teaching an early morning class at Red Cloud India
In All Things
From the stones of this sacred building and from across the centuries Jesus proclaims ldquo I am alive rdquo said Matt Malone S J editor in chief of America in a live-streamed homily on March 17 from St Patrick rsquo s Cathedral in New York City in celebration of the patron of Ireland and
In November 2004 the first U S military commission hearings in more than 60 years reconvened in Guant namo Bay Cuba Khalid Shaikh Mohammed the alleged mastermind of the Sept 11 attacks was in U S custody but he did not sit in the defendant rsquo s chair High-value detainees like Mr Mohamm
Of Other Things
It is important for believers to step back and critically reflect on our practices as fans.
Enrique, an older campesino with a graying mustache, spoke calmly, but he conveyed a deep sense of urgency. “We have been threatened,” he told us through an interpreter, “because we have defended the poorest people, the land and the water.” On Feb. 13, 2013, members of his vi
A delegation representing Jesuit ministries in the United States and Canada met with Bishop Michael Lenihan, O.F.M., of La Ceiba, Honduras, on Sept. 10, 2013. Bishop Lenihan worked in Honduras from 2000 to 2009 and then returned in 2012, when he was made a bishop. Luke Hansen, S.J., participated in
In All Things
In the film ldquo Motorcycle Diaries rdquo 2004 the viewer rides along for a 14 000-kilometer journey through Argentina Chile Peru Colombia and Venezuela The drivers are a young Che Guevara Gael Garc a Bernal and his friend Alberto Granado Rodrigo De la Serna The film dramatizes an act
In All Things
As the plane approached San Pedro Sula airport in northern Honduras I saw endless rows of African palm trees A brown river snaked through the fields and lush green mountains loomed in the background I did not see any cities towns or paved roads mdash just a few housing units When we landed I