Matt Emerson's essays have appeared in a number of publications, including America, Commonweal,
Articles: Fruitful Searching (Jan. 5-12, 2015) Preambles for Faith (May 13, 2013) Posts at The Ignatian Educator
The Ignatian Educator
With Bill Gates nbsp Amazon and the New York Times releasing suggested nbsp beach reads it 39 s a good reminder to compile a list for this summer What are your selections for faith and spirituality In addition to theology what else are you hoping to get to What have you read lately that you
The Ignatian Educator
In his commencement address to Boston College graduates Archbishop Blase J Cupich of Chicago employed an intriguing turn of phrase urging graduates to appreciate the quot givenness of life quot My young friends fellow graduates your capacity to appreciate the givenness the grace of life w
The Ignatian Educator
Writing in the quot Houses of Worship quot section in the Wall Street Journal Professors Stephen Barr and Dermott Mullan take on the persistent myth that the Catholic Church is opposed to science nbsp In fact the remarkable story of the Catholic clergy rsquo s contributions to science is one of
The Ignatian Educator
Given my long affiliation with Jesuit institutions I 39 ve read quite a bit on Ignatian spirituality much of it quite good but I thought these excerpts from an essay by David Lonsdale included in An Ignatian Spirituality Reader edited by George W Traub S J captures the essence of discernmen
The Ignatian Educator
Pope Francis recently sent a message to the Pontifical Council for the Laity on a topic that doesn 39 t often reach the Vatican radar sports and coaches An excerpt The influence of an educator especially for young people depends more on what he is as a person and the way he lives than what he s
The Ignatian Educator
The great Russian chess player discusses Thomas More, America and human rights.
The Ignatian Educator
When we speak of Catholic schools, we often do so without making important distinctions.
The Ignatian Educator
A few years ago at the commencement ceremonies of the Jesuit high school where I teach and work a colleague of mine addressed the graduating class and closed with words -- a prayer really -- attributed to Sir Francis Drake I have not been able to verify whether Drake is in fact the author In t
The Ignatian Educator
Pope Benedict XVI has often sympathized with those at different places on the journey of faith including those who struggle to believe in God or don 39 t believe at all nbsp Two examples come to mind In his outstanding Introduction to Christianity then-Fr Ratzinger wrote powerfully of the forc
The Ignatian Educator
Speaking of the first Jesuit schools the Jesuit historian Fr John O 39 Malley once wrote One of the special features of the Jesuit schools was that they were open to students from every social class This was made possible by Ignatius rsquo s insistence that in some fashion or other the schools