
Michael J. Baxter teaches and directs the Catholic Studies Program at Regis University. He is currently completing a book of essays, Blowing the Dynamite of the Church: Radicalism Against Americanism in Catholic Social Ethics (Cascade Press).
FaithFaith and Reason
As we give thanks for John Courtney Murray, S.J., we should probably temper our gratitude and be mindful that “the Murray project,” as it is sometimes called, brings with it some caveats.
In All Things
For many years now I rsquo ve resolved to include in my Advent and Christmas reading Caryll Houselander rsquo s The Reed of God but the usual distractions have prevented me until this year nbsp It rsquo s a simple modest little book of meditations on Mary and the Incarnation and what it all mea
In All Things
We are the people Massimo Faggioli warned you about In his article seeking an end to the political polarization of Catholics in the United States Faggioli mentions us by name as representing the road not to follow We are accused of ldquo withdrawal nbsp from the nation-state rdquo ldquo withd
Politics & Society
The political divisions a theologian failed to foresee
Dorothy Days letters bear the tone of a matriarch of a vivacious, unruly family.