Arts & CultureBooks
Where is the solution manual Nearly a quarter-century ago when I first taught Business and Public Issues in a large state university an undergraduate accounting student came to see me The class had just discussed a case that described a difficult ethical dilemma Not surprisingly there was no e
With another presidential election looming on the horizon voter turnout will be a major public issue Political participation however is just one measure of civic engagement and social capital Other measures ranging from volunteering and religious leadership to civic leadership and trust betwee
The tax code according to a former I R S commissioner embodies all the essence of life greed politics power goodness charity Everything rsquo s in there With the estate tax everything is magnified dramatically In Wealth and Our Commonwealth William H Gates Sr and Chuck Collins make a f
What are public issues What organizations are best prepared to address them Do we have a welfare problem or a poverty problem Is education a concern because of failing schools or failing social equity These important questions have become increasingly perplexing especially if we consider the cen