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In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
It is a pity about Michael Gerson I want his articles to be better than they are I want there to be a place in our political dialogue for an articulate conservative evangelical with a strong interest in Catholicism But he always manages to disappoint usually by missing what is abundantly obviou
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Cardinal Francis George of Chicago clarified his previous remarks about the decision by the University of Notre Dame to invite President Obama to deliver this year rsquo s commencement address He said his remarks were taken out of context Here is a link to a video of his comments that was posted b
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Typically the problem with many successful secular types be they politically liberal or conservative is that they do not see what we believers see when they look at the Church Liberals see a dark oppressive institution Conservatives see a prop for Americanism a defender of good order and the
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
The President rsquo s first trip overseas is drawing to a close with his visit to Turkey today It is difficult to over-state the differences between Mr Obama rsquo s place on the world stage and that of his predecessor although partisans on both sides will do their best to achieve precisely that
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
It is entirely understandable that the President of France and the Chancellor of Germany took the occasion of the G-20 summit in London to gloat After years of listening to the Anglo-Americans tell them they were economically-speaking fuddy-duddies wedded to archaic regulatory schemes that imped
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
It is wrong to boast but I can t help myself I am delighted to discover that I have been attacked by Bill Donohue at the Catholic League I confess that I actually like Donohue sometimes and I think there is a place for an organization that attends to the ways our culture is hostile to the fait
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Two unrelated events have scratched some of my great discontents Besides it is a dreary rainy day in Washington the kind of day that turns one rsquo s thoughts towards malcontentedness President Obama met with the Queen of England and no one - not in the media which has so many outlets you migh
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Cardinal Francis George has now entered the fray regarding Notre Dame rsquo s invitation to President Barack Obama to deliver the commencement address this year A total of nine bishops have issued statements on the matter which have sadly come precariously close to disrespecting the President and
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
It was refreshing to see President Barack Obama employ some tough love with the automobile industry yesterday warning Chrysler and GM that the clock is ticking on their re-structuring plans and sacking G Richard Wagoner Jr as CEO at GM After all if we taxpayers are footing the bill for keepi
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Tomorrow leading Senators will hold a press conference with groups ranging from Human Rights Watch to the Chamber of Commerce to announce a renewed effort to lift or at least ameliorate the worst restrictions of the boycott of Cuba Catholics should applaud this effort When the economic boycott an