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In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
The internet has certainly democratized publishing Anyone with an opinion can find an outlet if not with a formal blog entry then by posting a comment to someone else rsquo s entry The readers of America do this all the time and I look forward to comments from some of the regular readers especia
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
It is time for Deal Hudson to change the name of his site from InsideCatholic com to InsideRepublican com His partisan attack on Speaker Nancy Pelosi who was received today by Pope Benedict XVI puts him in an odd place Hudson is now officially more Catholic than the Pope Hudson who has long
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
An essay by two former Reagan and Bush 41 officials in this morning rsquo s Washington Post highlights the dangers of any investigation of criminal activities by the Bush 43 administration especially regarding the conduct of the war on terror Two such proposals have already been introduced in th
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Sen Sherrod Brown of Ohio had to fly back to Washington last night to cast the necessary vote for the stimulus bill because Sen Ted Kennedy was too ill to come to the floor nbsp from the hospital Did it not occur to any of the GOP senators opposing the bill to say Sen Brown stay at your mothe
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Judd who It is a sign of the self-importance Washington frequently indulges that the Federal City is breathless this morning over the news that Sen Judd Gregg has withdrawn his nomination as the next Commerce Secretary Fingers point on Capitol Hill Screams and shouts on Hardball Big headlines
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Pope Benedict XVI met this morning at the Vatican with a delegation from the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations In the wake of his decision to lift the formal excommunications of four Lefebvrist bishops one of whom has denied the Holocaust it was important that Benedict hit th
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Fans of parliamentary-style democracies will have a lot of explaining to do in the weeks ahead The results in the Israeli elections were inconclusive and it now falls to politicians who were just yesterday competing against one another to enter into negotiations for the formation of a government t
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
President Barack Obama rsquo s first prime time press conference was a case study in effective political communication Not only did he get all three major networks to cover the press conference live guaranteeing a huge audience he filled the full hour with thoughtful and thorough answers to the q
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Yesterday rsquo s Outlook section of the Washington Post had an article that argued effectively c ontemporary business culture has distorted the spirit of American capitalism by rewarding mediocrity and even failure The article is a must read although it was short on specifics as to how we ca
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
President Obama gave two big speeches yesterday one at the National Prayer Breakfast and one at the Energy Department At the Prayer Breakfast Obama discussed his commitment to the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives At the Energy Department he discussed his economic stimulus bill Both speeches w