
Mike Seay was an editorial intern at America for the summer of 2019.
FaithFaith in Focus
Acutis’s beatification is a beacon to all those who live their lives, for better or for worse, increasingly online.
Arts & CultureIdeas
Roger Ebert once said that “video games can never be art.” It is hard to make that case in 2020.
Arts & CultureTelevision
I was caught off guard by the show’s artistic experimentation, nuanced spiritual message and deeply moving season finale.
Arts & CultureFilm
The French animated film traces the harrowing journey of a severed hand through the streets of Paris
When the Vive Shelter in Buffalo, NY agreed to take in over 100 asylum seekers, they asked for help from the Buffalo community. Canisius College was among the community members that offered their resources.
Arts & CultureFilm
In Ari Aster’s “Midsommar,” the devil is not an ugly monster hiding in the shadows—he is in the daylight, dressed in a white robe and a crown of flowers.
Arts & CultureTelevision
The show raises questions about the trust we put in the institutions that claim to protect us. I could not watch this series without thinking of the world’s denial and inadequate response regarding climate change.
Politics & SocietyNews
St. Peter's University and America Media hosted a discussion that focused on the challenges facing Latino communities in the United States.