
Nicholas P. Cafardi, former dean and professor of law at Duquesne University, is the editor of Voting and Holiness (Paulist Press, 2012).
In All Things
As I write this I am thinking about a little girl named Malala Yousafzai who lies in a hospital bed in Pakistan after being shot on her school bus by religious extremists who think that their Muslim faith prohibits the education of women The famous philosopher and student of religion E Marty
In All Things
Cardinal Martini the former archbishop of Milan died last August 31st at the age of 85 from the consequences of Parkinson rsquo s disease Before being sent to Milan as archbishop by Blessed John Paul II Martini was a Jesuit priest a revered biblical scholar a professor at the Biblicum and the
Are some bishops putting the church's tax exempt status at risk?
In All Things
The facts of the child sexual abuse scandal in the Penn State football program are laid out very clearly in the Freeh Report nbsp As early as 1998 Penn State officials were aware that Jerry Sandusky had showered with a minor in the football team rsquo s shower room nbsp That incident which was
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Chief Justice John Roberts decision to join the progressive wing of the U S Supreme Court to uphold the individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act is earning him the expected vilification in the Tea and Republican Parties both of them now controlled by wealthy extremists who disdain the poli
In All Things
In our church it pays more to rebel than to faithfully question The Vatican under Benedict XVI is doing somersaults to get the excommunicated anti-semitic Lefebvrists back into the church rsquo s tent First the Vatican said that the Society of St Pius X SSPX had to agree to accept the teach
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I have sometimes criticized the behavior of bishops in their handling of the child sex abuse crisis but I cannot agree with the criticism of Cardinal Dolan currently being made regarding the payments that the Milwaukee archdiocese made to malefactor priests for their cooperation in the ldquo laic
In All Things
In the United States lawsuits are a way of communication Usually they communicate that the side that filed the lawsuit believes that the side they filed the lawsuit against is not listening to them is not respecting their rights is not giving them their due Lawsuits are last resorts or at l
Why did the bishops fight health care reform until the end?