
Nicholas P. Cafardi, former dean and professor of law at Duquesne University, is the editor of Voting and Holiness (Paulist Press, 2012).
Arts & CultureBooks
Government action at every level has caused segregated housing and its ugly effects in the United States.
Arts & CultureBooks
Father James Martin's new books talks clearly and openly about an issue that daunts and taunts our church.
'University Ethics,' by James F. Keenan, S.J.
'The American Constitution and Religion,' by Richard J. Regan
A. Scott Berg begins his biography of Woodrow Wilson on the eve of his departure for the Paris Peace Conference.
'Mortal Sins' by Michael D'Antonio offers a sweeping narrative of the sexual abuse crisis.
In All Things
In an earlier post we linked to Archbishop Charles J Chaput 39 s concerns about the HHS 39 proposed revision to the contraception mandate Here blogger Nicholas P Cafardi offers a history and analysis of the controversy The new draft regulations proposed by HHS to cover the religiously sensiti
In All Things
This is the time of year when Catholics are trying to inform their consciences as our bishops recommend in Faithful Citizenship before they cast their votes There is a lot of stuff out there but one piece that particularly helped me is America Undecided Catholic Independent amp Social Justic