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MagazineYour Take
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MagazineYour Take
Our readers
“In the world of consumer products and for-profit corporations,” wrote Kathy Wright of Loretto, Ky., “money talks.”
MagazineYour Take
Our readers
Our readers ranked interpersonal relationships as the area of their lives most positively and negatively affected by social media.
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Letters to the editor
FaithYour Take
Our readers
As parents, we try so hard to make our children behave or at least not disturb the others around us, and no matter the effort, someone is usually disturbed.
FaithYour Take
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In response to this question, 54 percent of respondents said a lack of parental involvement poses the greatest challenge to religious education programs for children.
Our readers


Re “Placement of Jesuits Under Supervision Raises Concerns,” by Michael J. O’Loughlin and Kevin Clarke (1/21): Priests must stop protecting one another. The nation must stop allowing abusive priests to be treated any differently from other abusers. They are breaking the law—not just God’s law but the actual law, and they should be held criminally responsible.

Dina Janis

To Brexit or Not to Brexit?

Politics & SocietyYour Take
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In response to this question, 89 percent of respondents said they were in favor of the legalization of marijuana, either for medicinal purposes only (17 percent) or for both medicinal and recreational use (72 percent).

MagazineYour Take
Our readers

Changing Consciousness

Re “A Call to Prayer,” by Tim Shriver (1/7): Father Thomas Keating changed the consciousness of many of us who have rested in God through “centering prayer.” His great quality of humility models for us a new way of being in our divided world. My father died last week, and I can attest that my centering prayer practice helped keep me present, loving and trusting through my dad’s difficult eight months of hospice care.

FaithYour Take
Our readers
Respondents reported a variety of accommodations for people with disabilities in their parishes, while also calling on their communities to do more to support parishioners with special needs.