Politics & SocietyYour Take
From the archives: "With all good wishes for the New Year, Father, and my sincere thanks again."
Thank you, Father Martin, for articulating so eloquently the consistent ethic of life expressed by our Catholic social teaching.
MagazineYour Take
“For many years, I read only the weekly readings at Mass. As I got older, I became a lot more engaged in reading and meditating on what I read.”
Arts & CultureYour Take
When asked if sports build character, 75 percent of respondents said yes and 25 percent said no.
MagazineYour Take
“In the world of consumer products and for-profit corporations,” wrote Kathy Wright of Loretto, Ky., “money talks.”
MagazineYour Take
Our readers ranked interpersonal relationships as the area of their lives most positively and negatively affected by social media.
FaithYour Take
As parents, we try so hard to make our children behave or at least not disturb the others around us, and no matter the effort, someone is usually disturbed.