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Our readers
You give me hope for the future in a very grim present.
Our readers
This is a thoughtful article that goes to the heart of much of the divisiveness in the church today. The charge that polling is flawed because it isn't focused on 'real' Catholics is a cudgel in the culture wars.
FaithYour Take
Our readers
When asked to describe what a good death meant for them, many readers referred to surviving family and friends in their answers.
Our readers
Being pro-life means a lot more than being anti-abortion.
FaithYour Take
Our readers
Twenty-five percent told us that one or more of their children had left the church.
Our readers
I didn’t realize the editors of America want the repeal of the Second Amendment.
Politics & SocietyYour Take
Our readers
“In a global economy, what affects other countries affects us all. If we want to have a just and prosperous home, our businesses must sustain ethical practices everywhere.”
Our readers
There are many pseudo-Catholic “pro-life” groups out there who are nothing but fronts for far-right political advocates.
FaithYour Take
Our readers
Readers whose parishes already engaged in outreach to Hispanics gave ideas for how to welcome this community better.
Our readers
As a chaplain for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, I find suicide is a pervasive part of my work.