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MagazineYour Take
Our readers
I am 16 years removed, and I am not yet able to forgive the men who orchestrated and carried out the attacks. Maybe one day I will be.
MagazineYour Take
Our readers
Just war is not just about avoiding war but also proactively building peace.
FaithYour Take
Our readers
Readers who attended secular colleges were less likely to report that their faith was strengthened in college.
MagazineYour Take
Our readers
While I appreciate the value of recognizing a rare humanitarian gesture by the Trump administration, this editorial neglects to directly acknowledge U.S. culpability.
Politics & SocietyYour Take
Our readers
I’m afraid the community may become immune to helping these people. There is always talk of not administering the drugs that will bring these addicts who overdose back to life.”
FaithYour Take
Our readers
“Marriage preparation is a fantastic opportunity for evangelization, catechesis and pastoral care—our diocese dropped the ball on this opportunity.”
MagazineYour Take
Our readers
I choose to respect the spiritual goodness in all people.
Politics & SocietyYour Take
Our readers
Regardless of who readers thought should take the lead, a striking majority called for collaboration in battling climate change.
MagazineYour Take
Our readers
We need to get back to honest debate and decent, well-thought criticism of both President Trump and the opposition party.
Politics & SocietyYour Take
Our readers
The majority of our readers argued for an increase in spending across a number of categories, including Medicare and health (71 percent of readers).