
Paul Mariani, poet and biographer, is a former poetry editor at America and University Professor of English Emeritus at Boston College.
Arts & CulturePoetry
Lonely, cold, but stubborn, it had somehow managed to rise
up from the half-frozen, slowly thawing soil.
FaithFaith in Focus
Who was this brilliant, saintly priest who founded the Christian Brothers? Perhaps now, on the 300th anniversary of his death, it is time for those of us who have benefited so richly from our educations to remember who he was.
Arts & CulturePoetry
Strange meeting this, the holes there
in his hands and feet and heart.
Arts & CultureBooks
Frank Bidart tells us he came the closest to finding himself in his own poetry—and even then, not really.
Arts & CulturePoetry
“I really feel I can touch you even in this darkness when I pray.”
—War correspondent James Foley (1973—2014)
from his last message to his family
“Man Jack the man is, just” Gerard Manley Hopkins
Recovered now enough to scrub the deck,
which turned dun brown with insidious dirt
and cobwebs in the months I twisted, hurt-
ing in yet one more hospital bed, my spine a wreck,
Arts & CulturePoetry
What stays with me in reading Ashbery is the sense of existential loneliness beneath the linguistic play and multiple voices.
Those wooden floors with their pine-scented antiseptic