Arts & CultureBooks
The resurrection of the dead—along with the transformation of the world—is the goal of all history. And this fulfillment already has a beginning in Jesus’ resurrection.
ldquo There are innumerable books about Jesus rdquo So begins the preface of Gerhard Lohfink rsquo s volume Jesus of Nazareth translated from the German original So why another Jesus book In the first place Lohfink contends that every generation must encounter Jesus anew Even more pressing
The Good Word
The gospel reading for the First Sunday of Lent is the testing of Jesus in the wilderness After fasting for forty days Jesus is subjected to the devil s temptations I have always been struck by how the devil prefaces his first two attempts to trip up Jesus at least in Matthew s account If
The Good Word
When lecturing on Paul s first letter to Corinthians Daniel J Harrington S J my colleague at Weston Jesuit School of Theology tells our students that there are no problems in the Church today that did not exist in some form in the early church at Corinth This insight can be consoling
The Good Word
The Christmas Season comes to a close with the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord The outpouring of the Spirit and the Father s declaration You are my beloved Son make Jesus baptism one of the three traditional Epiphany events That Jesus submitted to receiving baptism a baptism of
The Good Word
This Sunday s gospel 30th OT continues Jesus teaching on prayer in the eighteenth chapter of Luke s gospel Jesus proposes another parable that invites us to reflect on the proper attitude and manner of prayer and on what is improper Jesus briefly describes two figures who enter the t
The Good Word
Luke s gospel is often called the gospel of prayer for three reasons First Luke frequently portrays Jesus at prayer second he records the prayer Jesus taught his disciples i e the Our Father and third he devotes more space than the other evangelists to Jesus teaching about prayer an
The Good Word
Just as real estate agents insist on the importance of location location location so exegetes pay close attention to the context in which biblical passages are set The gospel reading for Sunday 28th OT --Luke s account of Jesus healing ten lepers one of whom returns to give thanks 17 11-1
The Good Word
21st Sunday Ordinary Time Today s readings present a certain tension On the one hand there are images of salvation reaching to all parts of the world the gathering of nations of every language to see God s glory Isa 66 18 the coming of peoples from the east and the west and from th