The physicist Niels Bohr once said The opposite of a true statement is a false statement But the opposite of a very true statement may very well be another true statement Contrary to postmodernist hijackings as in the play Copenhagen modern physics is not about the absence of truth but the pr
As James M McPherson notes at the opening of his new book Sept 17 not Sept 11 was the worst day in American history mdash Sept 17 1862 Over 6 000 Americans died that day at Antietam four times as many as on D-Day and more than those who died in all the pre-1900 wars combined Many of the
America rsquo s Bishop the first full biography of Fulton Sheen holds a candle to its subject The prose does not burn the page Trying to outshine a shooting star is doomed to failure For all his solid scholarship however Thomas C Reeves gives us fast and focused narrative Although loaded wi
No lover of film could dislike this book No one will read it cover to cover at least at one sitting but you can take long ambles in it and come away deeply refreshed and richly informed Searching for John Ford is well researched and well written This is no small feat for often these two traits
Last Christmas a Canadian journal reported that a feminist scholar had attacked the prevalence of the image of Frosty the Snowman on seasonal cards and gift-wrap as an emblem of domineering patriarchy Frosty she grumped is a WEM White Euro-Male fat and overstuffed to boot Exceptional Not when
I once had a close encounter with Alan Greenspan chairman of the Federal Reserve Board in a ritzy restaurant in Washington named Galileo I was being taken there by in-laws I assume Greenspan was paying his own way My main worry on seeing him was not the check but his meal This is a man whose ev